House call: A six-point plan for City Hall

Danny’s six-point plan for a more effective, responsive, and accountable city government

I believe deeply in the power of local government to make a difference in people’s lives, and the people of Richmond deserve a high-performing municipal government that is responsive, responsive, and accountable. A government that works for all of us.

Drawing on over fifteen years of experience as a leader in the public sector, I will make City Hall work on every level — from core services like tax collection and permitting, to big-picture decisions about how we invest in the future of our city. I know what works in local government and what doesn’t work. I know how to recruit and support talented public sector professionals who do outstanding work. I have partnered with the private and nonprofit sectors to solve difficult problems that government can’t tackle alone. And I have the organizational skills, professional relationships, and sheer persistence to get difficult things done, even in difficult circumstances.

We can — and must — do better, and here’s how we will make it happen when I am Mayor.

Starting Day 1, I will:

1. Assess leadership and personnel — starting at the top

  • Hire top-quality professionals to run City Hall
  • Engage directly with department heads
  • Build trust with employees.

2. Demand transparent decision-making

  • Define issues that need to be addressed
  • Seek insight from experts, partners, and residents
  • Communicate with the public before making decisions

3. Build a culture of accountability

  • Require agencies to publish plans with specific goals and targets

4. Prioritize communication and collaboration

  • Collaborate with City Council, residents, and partners
  • Regularly attend City Council meetings
  • Meet with residents and other local leaders

5. Improve internal services

  • Enhance HR, IT, Procurement, and Finance
  • Modernize systems, invest in technology and training, learn from best practices

6. Elevate the Office of Performance Management

  • Create a Chief Transformation Officer position in the Office of Performance Management
  • Assess departments and make recommendations
  • Share data with leadership and the public

Learn more about my plan for City Hall and my other priorities over on my website.

— Danny

Get involved

Join a growing team of supporters and volunteers helping Danny get elected so we can build a healthy, thriving Richmond together. There are lots of ways to join and support Team Danny! You can order a yard sign, host an event, or sign up for future volunteer opportunities including our weekly canvassing. Also, please consider donating $5, $10, or $25—every dollar we raise will go to crucial expenses like advertising, materials for our team to pass out to voters, yard signs, and more. And don’t forget to follow Danny on InstagramFacebook, and X!


  • As Commissioner of the Dept. of Social Services, Danny championed this initiative that will have such a positive impact on Richmond families. This will improve the lives of folks caring for relatives’ children and help make sure everyone has a safe and loving home!
  • As part of their ongoing coverage of the mayoral election, RVA Dirt asks each candidate a weekly question about their platform. Danny has had a good time answering them so far (they’re good questions!), and here are his answers to the first three:

Describe your ideal development project.

A walkable, mixed-use development on a high-quality transit line, complete with deeply affordable housing and the best taco shop around. Building sustainable, thriving neighborhoods–planned alongside community members–will be my priority (particularly on the Southside).

How do you plan to find the funding to invest in your priorities?

1) Create an efficient City Hall that better handles its finances and improves operations to capitalize on revenue opportunities.
2) Grow our tax base (not our rate!) by investing in thriving neighborhoods across RVA.
3) Demand that the Commonwealth pay its fair share.

What is your top funding priority and why?

Investments in people are always the best investments we can make. RPS will remain our biggest priority, and we will also invest in the wraparound services families count on—early childhood education, after-school programs, and more—so they’re effective, reliable, and accessible.

Looking back

  • Danny had such a great time knocking on doors in the 7th district and talking to voters. He had such interesting, engaging conversations that we struggled to get him from house to house!
  • Danny attended the Battery Park Civic Association meeting and got a chance to introduce himself to a very engaged group and talk about some of his priorities.
  • Danny enjoyed meeting residents at a meet and greet on the Northside this past week. Thanks again to all the wonderful Richmonders all around the city who have hosted Danny over the past couple of months!
  • Danny joined other mayoral candidates for a fabulous Town Hall hosted by the Metropolitan Business League, Start Up Virginia, and JWC Foundation which focused on small businesses—particularly Women and Minority-owned small (SWAM) businesses. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and are a critical part of a thriving and inclusive Richmond.
  • We’re excited to roll out our Spanish-language website this week. This is one small way that Danny is showing his commitment to ensuring every Richmonder feels welcome and has what they need to succeed.

Looking ahead

  • Richmond Crusade for Voters meeting @ 533 Club, 700 N 3rd St (7/16, 7:00 p.m.)
  • 4th District Meet and Greet (7/18, 5:45 p.m.) RSVP here.
  • Richmond City Democratic Committee 8th District Meet and Greet @ 5100 Beddington Road (7/20, 2 p.m.)
  • 2nd District Fundraiser (7/23, 6:00 p.m.) RSVP here.

From the trail

Danny’s top-5 best karaoke songs:

  1. Let It Be – Beatles
  2. Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
  3. Kiss from a Rose – Seal
  4. Your Song – Elton John
  5. Black – Pearl Jam

Next time you see him out, ask him to sing a few bars!

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