Dr. Danny Avula Outraises All Mayoral Competitors with Over $400k from 400 Donors, Nearly 90% of Whom Live In Virginia

Dr. Danny Avula, former director of the Richmond Health District and former commissioner of the Virginia Department of Social Services, significantly outraised all his competitors for Richmond Mayor.

Since announcing his campaign on April 10th, Dr. Avula raised $408,908 from 400 total donors. 88% of those donors are in-state and 78% are from the Richmond region. 

By contrast with the rest of the Mayoral candidate field, Dr. Avula raised $287,873 more than  his nearest competitor, who raised only $121,035 in the same financial reporting period and the majority of whose support is coming from outside of Virginia with over 60% of total dollars from out of state donors. 

Dr. Avula also has more support from donors giving under $100 than any of his competitors in this reporting period. After two months in the race, his campaign overall has more cash on hand than any of his opponents and he is one of only two of the candidates who are confirmed on the ballot.

Dr. Avula said, “I am so honored and humbled by this incredible outpouring of support. The generosity and commitment Richmonders are showing to this campaign has been exhilarating – from the essential contributions to the over 50 meet and greets currently being scheduled to meet voters, to the 500+ residents that have gotten me confirmed to appear on the ballot in November.

“I’m just so grateful to my team, volunteers, supporters, and donors. I promise to work as hard as I can so that, together, we can make sure Richmonders have access to healthcare, strong public schools, safe communities without fear of gun violence, and a well-functioning, responsive, and accountable City Hall.”

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